Instructions for Removable Appliance

1) All appliances should be worn 24 hours a day, unless specifically instructed otheRwise. This means the appliance should be worn while sleeping.

2) Get a book and read aloud for one-half hour after receiving the appliance. If this is done conscientiously, there shoul be no difficulty as far as speech is concerned.

3) The appliance should be brushed with a hand brush or tooth brush each morning and night with cold water and toothpaste. The tooth paste should be thoroughly removed. While washing the appliance, do not hold or brush any wires on the appliance (hold the plastic only).

4) Before returning the appliance to the mouth, rinse the mouth out and replace the wet appliance. Never place a dry appliance in the mouth.

5) It takes a little while to adjust to the appliane. At first, it may be a little uncomfortale, do not become concerned. Everyone experienced the same thing. Just do your BEST.

6) If you wear the appiance as indicted, it will alway fit properly. If you stop wering it, even for a day or two, it will stop fitting.

7) Do not chew gum or sticky candy!

8) If the appliance is a space-maintainer, please call us immediately if a tooth begins to erupt beneath the sapce-maintainer. Don’t simply stop wearing the appliance.

9) If the appliance is worn as instructed, it will not break nor will you lose it. If it breaks beyond repair or is lost, there will be a charge for making a replacement.

10) When not wearing your appliance, always wrap in damp paper towel or tissue and place in retainer case.